My art will contain specific symbolism in it, and I may animate touchy subjects too.
I animate things that are extremely triggering.

For now here is my character sheet.

Lauwittony Cornea

Lauwy suffers with her appearance, she thinks she is unattractive and will do anything to be seen as beautiful.
She is obsessed with her appearance, she is a heavy attention seeker as well.
She’s sweet, but she has a huge obsession with pity.
She is also terrified of sex.

Okasou Kawajiri

Despite having the same last name as I do, he has nothing to do with me. Okasou has a drug addiction due to built up stress from his failing “business”.
He pretends he doesn’t care for himself or anyone else, but he’s extremely sensitive and a people pleaser.


They are weird and enjoy chaos.

Jeon Hye

Jeon Hye is an attention seeker, and he’s suffered with self harm since he was 13 due to how negative his household(s), life, and mind was. He started relapsing after feeling intense guilt from drugging his adopted daughter and her husband due to jealousy.
Because of his mother being gone for most of his life, Jeon age regresses to cope with his past of not living a proper childhood. No one “pays attention” to him but Lauwittony, and he thinks as if he is just everyone’s punching bag, mainly because he agrees with everything everyone says, so they can like him.
This will go as far as letting people have their way with him, hitting him, or just taking advantage of him.
He talks a lot though and can’t control what he says during a ramble, so most of his abusers are often caught.

Yet even with all of these issues, he enjoys to dress formal and tries to act normal, so people can see him as a “put together man” but due to the fact he can’t control himself, that facade is instantly shut down.

Hito Kamari

Hito karmari is mentally well, the only thing he has an issue with is his anxiety. He tries his best to make his wife and life happy and well, but sadly his wife has a very unstable father to whom makes that fairly difficult. He wants Hito to be a formal man who wears neat suits, wears expensive watches on his wrist, and loves expensive restaurants..but he isn’t sure what a formal man looks like in the face or how they live.. he is also jealous of Hito’s soon to be child. Hito is a High School English teacher, who sees his students as his own kids, Jeon wants that attention from him when regressing.

You can do what you want with my characters, just don’t make lauwy participate in sexual acts.